We are a SCITT – a School Centred Initial Teacher Training route into teaching. That means that you are being trained by teachers on a course designed by schools. That means we REALLY know what goes on in classrooms and have LOTS of experience embedded in our programme.

We think you’ll want to choose us because:

Our programme is run by teachers for teachers. We know what you are going through and can offer you the practical guidance you need.

Our approach is rooted in the best evidence informed practice, research and theory. Our trainees are at the cutting edge of educational practice.

With us you get support from the day you start. You will graduate with QTS and PGCE with a deep understanding of the educational landscape and children’s journeys through school. You’ll start your Early Career phase of teaching as prepared as possible.

On top of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) you can complete a Post Graduate Certificate in Education from the University of Leicester and 60 Masters level credits.

Our curriculum includes sessions focused on securing your early career teaching post, including mock interviews with Headteachers and Senior Leaders to make sure you stand out from the crowd.